Dragon Flame
Dragon World: Book One
Fire breathing dragons destroy Talei's home but
when she links telepathically with a dragon,
he explains goblins are forcing them to
make the attacks.
Talei and her friend Adri lead a group of teenagers
to free the beasts.
Failure means both dragons and humans
will be destroyed.
Dragon Clans
Dragons: Book Two
Red dragons rescue Sie, a human woman, and she joins the Valdra Dragon Clan.
The Valdra are outcasts from the dragon
Treaty Alliance, but Sie and Byron, a human friend, work together to overcome the difficulties.
They believe they have succeeded
but the planet has its own way of disrupting their carefully laid plans.
Dragon Ice
Dragon World: Book Three
Neisha and her people are trapped in underground caves in the snowy north. The silver dragons will not allow them through the pass to the warmer lands below.
Tane appears in her dreams and  says he will rescue them. Neisha's not sure if he's real but begs him
not to come, believing if he does manage to reach her, he will be trapped with her people.
Dragon World Series
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Sue Perkins
Magic, Mystery and Mayhem
For the young and not so young